Site Planning
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Municipal Site Plans/Development Permit Plans
KWA will adapt our clients site plans/development plans to meet all the municipal requirements. These requirements vary across the Country from drawing sizes, line sizes, to what notes and information is identified on the plans. KWA has worked throughout the Country and will ensure that all the municipal requirements are met and that the submission materials are coordinated with the architects, landscape architects and with our servicing plans.
Concept/Fit Plans
Whether it is a greenfield site, redevelopment, or an expansion to an existing development, a site plan will be required to assess the viability of the project. As part of our Due Diligence work KWA will assemble our clients requirements and compare against the various municipal, legal, and property information to assist in a development review. The KWA team will also provide inputs on site servicing, grading, access, vegetation, topography and the local context to ensure that our clients are getting a realistic representation of what can be accommodated on the subject lands.
Real Estate Presentation/Leasing Exhibits
Many of our clients rely on KWA’s expertise in the preparation of real estate plans for presentation to their various Real Estate Committees or Boards. These plans are prepared to our clients specifications and represent inputs from multiple sources. In addition, KWA will prepare the necessary plans required for real estate and leasing documents. and . KWA provides our clients with professional and clear plans that can be utilized for various agreements.